CR Training Solutions & Consultancy

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid Training Courses – Empowering Your Staff

With 1 in 4 people in the UK likely to experience a mental health issue each year, it is of the upmost importance that workplaces are taking an active role in supporting the wellbeing of their staff. A Mental Health First Aider can help to facilitate this. Promoting good mental health inside and outside of the workplace is essential, particularly as we understand more about how poor mental health can negatively affect our relationships and resilience to overcome challenges. Recognising and understanding common mental health issues is also vital to helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental health in the UK. Supporting the people around us who are experiencing poor mental health has become a priority for many people and the organisations they work in.  A greater understanding of common mental health issues has developed over the last few years and there has been a rise in the number of people who want to act as a Mental Health First Aider, to support and guide those around them. Our regulated and nationally recognised qualifications create Mental Health First Aiders who can genuinely make a difference within their workplace, giving them the tools to actively support colleagues who are struggling, and also the ability and personal resilience required to put those tools into practice. Below are a list of courses that we provide. To find out more information, or to book a place, why not book a discovery call!

As a reliable, accredited and professional training and consultancy company, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive, high-quality first aid training courses for businesses, organisations, and individuals throughout the United Kingdom.

Why Choose CR Training for Your Mental Health First Aid Training Needs:

At CR Training, we understand that every client has unique requirements, which is why we offer customised first aid training solutions tailored to your specific needs. All of our first aid courses are fully compliant with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidelines and are designed to be informative, practical, and engaging. With a team of highly experienced, qualified, and friendly trainers, we are committed to empowering your staff with the lifesaving skills they need in the event of an emergency.

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Flexible Training Delivery:

We understand that it is important for businesses and organisations to minimise disruptions, which is why we offer flexible training solutions to suit your needs. We can provide training onsite at your premises, at one of our training centres across the United Kingdom, or online through our interactive, live virtual training sessions. Our first aid courses are designed to be as interactive and engaging as possible, with a mix of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical experience

Our Mental Health First Aid Training Courses

Our diverse range of first aid training courses caters to a variety of needs and industries. Some of the courses we offer include:


Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) – This one-day training course is designed for employees designated as a workplace emergency first aider. It covers essential first aid skills, such as dealing with unconscious casualties, administering CPR, and treating minor injuries.


First Aid at Work (FAW) – This comprehensive three-day course meets the HSE requirements for first aiders working in high-risk environments. Training includes CPR, choking, bleeding management, shock treatment, and a wide range of workplace-related injuries and illnesses.


Paediatric First Aid – This 12-hour course meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and is ideal for childcare providers, teachers, and parents. Participants learn how to handle emergencies specific to young children, including choking, burns, and fractures.


Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Training – This half-day course is designed for anyone tasked with using an AED in the workplace or public spaces. Our hands-on training enables course participants to develop the knowledge and skills needed to effectively use an AED in a cardiac arrest emergency.


Mental Health First Aid – This two-day course is focused on providing individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and distress. Our training aims to help create a supportive environment where mental health issues can be addressed effectively.

Flexible Training Delivery

By investing in first aid training with CR Training, you can enjoy a range of benefits, including.


Compliance with HSE regulations, ensuring that your business is legally and professionally prepared for emergencie.


Building a safer working environment that promotes staff well-being and demonstrates your commitment to safety.


Reduced insurance premiums, as well-trained staff are less likely to be involved in accidents requiring insurance claims.


Reduced insurance premiums, as well-trained staff are less likely to be involved in accidents requiring insurance claims.


Enhanced reputation among customers, stakeholders, and the wider community as a responsible employer who prioritises staff safety.

Now is the perfect time to invest in your team’s safety with CR Training. Equip your workforce with the skills and confidence needed to handle first aid emergencies and provide a safer environment for everyone. Get in touch with us today to discuss your specific needs and learn how our bespoke first aid training courses can benefit your business.

Book your first aid training course now and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your staff is prepared to handle any emergency with professionalism and competence. 'Your safety is our priority.'

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